A Look Ahead for IL Cannabis in 2022

Kicking Off 2022 Strong

Chicago NORML is kicking off 2022 with an attitude of gratitude for all we have been able to accomplish in the midst of uncertainty and unprecedented times. As we enter our 5th year, we remain committed to the four pillars that form the foundation of our work: advocacy, social justice, industry and culture, and cannabis education. Our goal is to become more sustainable and increase internal capacity to support expanded programming and community engagement efforts.

The Industry Has Changed

Things have changed quite a bit in the last five years, and as the industry grows and changes, we must look at ways that we can grow and change to meet the current needs. When we started this chapter in 2017, legalizing cannabis for recreational consumption was a pipe dream with almost no political backing and very little (vocal) public support. Although the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program had been up and running for two years, there were no opportunities for ownership or licensure and very few opportunities for employment. At that time, the most we could do was focus our efforts on outreach and educational programming to ensure communities of color were aware of the benefits and potential uses of the cannabis plant. In those days, “social equity” was a concept that we heard about from our colleagues on the west coast: it most certainly was not a regular discussion among the average IL cannabis consumer. Working closely with the bill writers, we helped to bring the term “social equity” into the lexicon, and most importantly into the law.

Now that the landscape has changed, we are giving thoughtful consideration to how we will continue to add value to our members, sponsors, and followers. We pride ourselves in “staying in our lane” and to that end, we will continue to partner with organizations that are experts in their fields and that align with our mission, goals, and objectives. Our relationships with experienced local and national organizations have developed into a network of mentors who help us maximize our effectiveness in this ever-changing environment. In 2022, we will continue to adopt best practices and implement changes based on lessons learned.

As a state, IL spent the vast majority of 2021 trying to understand and untangle a complex web of scores, deficiency notices, lotteries, and licenses. There is PLENTY of work to be done: we have a long road ahead of us to become the “gold-star” example of a fair and equitable cannabis industry. We are hopeful that justice will prevail in the courts so 185 social equity applicants can realize their dreams of owning and operating retail dispensaries and craft cultivation facilities. We look forward to supporting the craft cultivation, infuser, and transporter licenses awarded so far, and we anxiously await the arrival of ACTUAL businesses that will create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive cannabis industry.

The Outlook Ahead

For 2022, Chicago NORML will continue working collaboratively with our local coalition partners, elected officials, and state agencies to develop an industry infrastructure that adequately meets the needs of social equity licensees. These efforts include:

  • Clarifying the definition of social equity

  • Providing resources for ancillary businesses that service the cannabis industry

  • Supporting efforts to create a unified state cannabis agency

Visit our website (www.ChicagoNORML.org) to learn more about our mission, membership, sponsorship, merchandise, and more! Be sure to follow us @chicagonorml on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for engaging, entertaining, and educational cannabis-related content and information on our upcoming events. Please join us on the first Sunday of each month at 2:00 PM. We will continue to meet online through the winter months, and for as long as safety precautions and state/city guidelines dictate. We look forward to listening to you, learning from you, and most importantly, serving alongside you in the fight for a just and equitable cannabis industry.

Kiana Hughes